the FUCOBI Foundation (2010-2020)
Prepared by Diana Villota and Diana Calvache
PROJECTS: Genetic diversity of conch and crab”
Day 1 Bajo Alto Community Date 07.05.10 We talked to the community and explained our work with FUCOBI. Later Didi bought 14 crabs, to analyze them at night.
Both of us went in the boat in charge of taking mangrove’s seed, leaves, fruit and roots, sample of sediments and water. We found red, white and black mangrove here. At night we went back to the hotel to process the crab, we took samples of the muscle of the claw to get the RNA and DNA in tubes with Ethanol 90% and RNA later for Didi’s project of Genetic Biodiversity of crab “Ucides occidentalis” in Ecuador. We also put in a bag one claw or periopod for POPs testing. |
Day 2 Las Huacas Community
Date 07.06.10 We talked to the community and explained “One Health” project. We met the vice-president of the community, Frankilino, who told us how this community was divided in 4 different zones: zone 1: Pampa Cahusa, zone 2: Llora Tigre, zone 3: La Tortuga and zone 4: El Gallinazo.
The principal meal in this community was conch, so Frankilino helped us get conch and sediment samples of every zone that we will pick up the next day. |
Day 3 Las Huacas and Costa Rica community
Date 07.07.10 We went back to Las Huacas to make the survey and to get blood samples. Diana got her conch samples and after that we went to Costa Rica community to talk with the president Alfredo to explain the people about ONE HEALTH project. Alfredo helped Diana to get conch samples from a conch farm, he told us that the samples were from Isla del Puerco but they have been in the farm for about 6 to 8 months. Brenna and Ben made their interview to a woman that was a leader in the community. After that we got some fish samples but we couldn’t get shrimp. Then, went back to Puerto Bolivar.
Day 14 Palmar and San Pablo
Date 07.18.10 We divided in two groups. In the shrimp boat was Didi, Joe, Shana, Nico, David, Christian, Brenna and Blgo. Valarezo. Because there wasn’t any shrimp around San Pablo they went fishing to de Monteverde Channel. In the other group were Acacia, Miriam, Sofia, Mayra, Dr. Pedro, Gober, Ben, Diana and Oscar. First we talks to the Palmar community, then we did the interviews and got the blood samples. When we finished that we went with Jose Gonzabay the president of the Mangrove Association of Palmar and Edgar Zambrano the president of the neighborhood Los Esteros in another boat to get mangrove samples. They show us a project of reforestation of the mangrove they had in a shrimp farm with seeds they brought from Esmeraldas. Then we had lunch in Jose Gonzabay’s house. Diana and Ben interviewed them. In the afternoon we went first to visit a shrimp farm FUSO S.A, and we Diana and Ben interviewed the second in charge. Later we went back to leave all the samples in UPSE, and checked the DNA samples of the shrimp, conch and crab. Day 15 UPSE Date 07.19.10 We went to the University to continue with Day 2 of the protocol of DNA extraction. Didi went first, then Diana and at the end Christian. We couldn’t start at the same time because the UPSE lab didn’t had all the materials and machines that were necessary to complete the extraction. Once that Didi finished her DNA extraction of the crab she went to help David and Nico processing the fish of Monteverde. Day 16 UPSE Date 07.20.10 Didi, Diana and Shana went back to Palmar to get crabs, conchs and sediment samples that a fisherman named Ecuador got for us. Later we went to the lab with Acacia to learn how to extract hemolymph from the shrimp. Didi and Diana processed the crab and the conch. Once the finished we helped David and Nico to process the fish samples. Day 4 Universidad Técnica de Machala Date 07.08.10 We stayed in the hotel labeling tubes for our samples. The rest of the group went to ONE HEALTH conferences from 8:00am to 5:30pm at Universidad Técnica de Machala. Day 5 Acuaculture’s Laboratory (Universidad Técnica de Machala) Date 07.09.10 We processed all conch samples in the Aquaculture Laboratory. We put the tissue samples in RNA later and in Ethanol for DNA and a bigger sample for COPS and in the afternoon we traveled to Guayaquil. GUAYAS PROVINCE, ECUADOR Day 6 Taura – Matorrillo Island – Santo Domingo Community Date 07.10.10 We traveled from Taura to Matorrillo Island in a canoe for about 2 hours. When we arrived there, we went to school of the community and we talked with the people and explained them about ONE HEALTH project. Teacher Carlos from Esmeraldas taught us about all the mangrove species we can find in Ecuador and the differences between them. Didi got her crab samples and after that we divided in two groups. One group went to get mangrove samples and the other one went to get shrimp samples. With the atarraya we just got a shrimp called burrita that is from fresh water so we couldn’t get samples. Day 7 Day off Guayaquil Date 07.11.10 We processed the crab samples for RNA later and ethanol for DNA. The rest of the group went to Estero El Salado to get water samples and shrimp samples. Day 8 Ministerio Zonal de Guayaquil Date 07.12.10 We went to ONE HEALTH conferences from 8:00am to 5:30pm. Day 9 Puerto El Morro Date 07.13.10 We went to Puerto El Morro. We talked to the president of the community and took the blood samples. We divided in two groups one went to get shrimp samples and the other one went to get mangrove samples. In the mangrove samples we did 4 stations. Station 1: La Islita, Station 2: Boca de Lagarto, Station 3: Las Cruces and Station 4: El Saibo. In these stations we got samples from red, black and white mangroves. In Station 3 Didi got her 4 crab samples. We arrived to Posorja and then we drove back to Puerto El Morro where Didi got 5 crab samples from Isla Puná and Diana got 10 conch samples and sediment from Isla El Manglesito. Then, we went back to Guayaquil. Day 10 Guayaquil Date 07.14.10 We processed our conch and crab samples. SANTA ELENA PROVINCE, ECUADOR Day 11 Date 07.15.10 We travel from Guayaquil to Santa Elena. Day 12 Santa Elena Date 07.16.10 We went to ONE HEALTH conferences from 8:00am to 5:30pm at Universidad Estatal Peninsula de Santa Elena. Day 13 Santa Elena Date 07.17.10 Acacia and Miriam went to a meeting with the teacher of UPSE, and the rest of the group went to La Chocolatera and La Loberia. In the afternoon Didi, Christian and Diana went to the lab of UPSE to learn the extraction of DNA following the protocol, we did day 1. MANABI PROVINCE, ECUADOR Day 17 Date 07.21.10 In the morning we went to UPSE to get all the samples. At noon we went to Montañita, we had lunch there. In the afternoon we travel to San Jacinto. Day 18 San Jacinto Date 07.22.10 We went to La Boca to get the blood samples. Then we divided in 2 groups. The first one with Ben, Didi, Gober and Diana went to the mangroves. We made 4 sites, and found 4 species of mangrove: red, black, white and jelí. The other boat with Shana, Joe, David, Nico and Christian went to get the shrimp and fish. In the afternoon we went to Manta. Day 19 Manta Date 07.23.10 We went to ONE HEALTH conferences from 8:00am to 5:30pm at Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro. Once the conference end, we traveled to Pedernales. Day 20 Pedernales – Portovelo - Isla Corazón Date 07.24.10 We went to Portovelo. We talked to the community, help with the interview and then the nurse took the blood samples. Didi and Diana went in a canoe with Alfredo Zambrano, the president of the community to Isla Corazon and Roma to look for crab, conch and sediment samples. It was the first time Didi and Diana went with the people to catch the animals. Then we went fishing with David, Nico, Christian, Joe and Shana. Once we got to Portovelo, Didi and Diana helped with the fish processing. And Diana taught some of the people from the community the difference between a male conch and female conch. We went back to the hotel in Pedernales, and processed the crab and the conch we got earlier. Day 21 Cojimies Date 07.25.10 We went to Cojimies. We made two groups again. Didi, Gober, Nico, Ben and Shana went in the mangrove boat. And David, Diana, Christian, Oscar and Joe went in the shrimp boat. The shrimp boat just fished 3 shrimps, and trying to get more shrimp samples we bought some Litopenaeus vanamei that were alive from other boats near us. When we went to the shore, Joe, Christian and Shana processed the shrimp immediately to conserve the RNA. Diana got 5 conchs from this site. At night we process the samples. Day 22 Pedernales Date 07.26.10 There was only one shrimp boat that went to the sea to get the samples. Didi and Diana stayed in the hotel in the morning. We traveled to Tonsupa. Day 23 Tonsupa - Esmeraldas Date 07.27.10 We went to Esmeraldas, Las Piedras y Tonchigue. In Esmeraldas we went to the port looking for boats for the next day. Then we went to Las Piedras to talk to the president of the community, and we bought some shrimp samples and made the arrangements for the next day to get the blood, mangrove and the shrimp samples. In the afternoon we went to Tonchigue to talk to the fishermen, and we wait in the sea shore for the boats looking for L. vanamei that were alive. We got 13 alive and 5 dead. Day 24 Las Piedras Date 07.28.10 In the morning we went to Las Piedras Community, we collected the blood from the community and in one boat; Ben, Christian, Oscar, Diana and Didi went to get the mangrove and the shrimp samples. We throw the net 2 times, and found 2 species of mangrove: black and white. Then we traveled to San Lorenzo. Day 25 Porvenir – San Lorenzo Date 07.29.10 We went to Porvenir Community, there was only 1 boat. In the way to the island we could appreciate for the first time Rizhopora harrisoni. Didi, Diana, Miriam. Francisca and Acacia stayed doing the interviews and taking the blood samples. Ben, Christian, Oscar, Gober, Jefferson, Yarixa, Professor Vasquez and his daughter went in the boat to get the mangrove and shrimp samples. In the afternoon back in San Lorenzo we had a small conference with high school students. In this conference Diana, Didi and Christian had a presentation for the first time. Day 26 Pampanal Date 07.30.10 We went to Pampanal community. Acacia, Miriam and Francisca stayed in the town hospital to take the blood samples. Then I went to get 10 conch samples. Later the mangrove boat left with Didi, Diana, Yarixa, Jefferson, Gober, Ben, the professor and his daughter. We found Nato mangrove. The man who drove our boat helped Didi get 1 crab from there. Later the shrimp boat left with Christian, Oscar, Jefferson, the professor and his daughter. |